Thursday, September 15, 2016

New on the Cancer Inoculating Nano Weapon

Antonio José Herrada Avila has published a new piece in the web site Aporrea explaining his claim that president Chávez died of a cancer “inoculated” by the Empire.

In his previous article, published also by Aporrea in May, Herrada claimed to have identified a “Nano weapon” used by the United States government to “invade his (Chávez’s) body with nano transporters with controlled directionality, which contained nano inductive particles with metastasis accelerators of controlled dosage, in short, a high-technology Nano Weapon, in order to create in him an atypical aggressive cancer.”

In his most recent piece, Herrada uses a sophisticated analysis technique which correlates two “Political Behaviors.” By comparing what the author calls “time intervals” of the “Political Behavior of the North-American Empire” (CPIN, acronym in Spanish), with those of the “Political behavior of its National Operatives” (CPON), the author is able to arrive at the exact date on which Chavez was inoculated with cancer using the Nano Weapon: September 15, 2005.

Here is a short example of Herrada’s analysis technic, taken form the paragraph in which he arrives at the date of the “inoculation”:

El método utilizado para precisar esta fecha, fue la derivación de la CPIN en intervalos tiempos, todos estos intervalos acotados por la fecha de inicio del "Paro Petrolero" (02/12/2002) y la fecha en que el Comandante Chávez informo, que padecía de cáncer (10/06/2011), detectándose, que el 15/09/2005 ocurrió un punto de inflexión o quiebre muy significativo de la CPIN, cuando el avión que transportaba al Comandante no se dirigió al aeropuerto internacional John F. Kennedy ubicado a 20 Km de la ciudad de New York, siendo dirigido sin justificación a un aeropuerto militar situado a mas de 200 Km de la isla de Manhattan y gran parte de su personal de seguridad y medico, que lo acompañaba, no se le permite abandonar el avión, quedando prácticamente secuestrados dentro de este, durante los tres días que duro la visita del Comandante, con motivo de su participación en la Sexagésima Asamblea de la Organización de Naciones Unidas. Luego de este hecho, se detecta que el 04/12/2005 ocurrió un punto de inflexión o quiebre muy significativo de la CPON, cuando la Oposición retiro a ultima hora los candidatos a las elecciones parlamentarias de ese día. A partir del 04/12/2005, la conducta golpista del Imperio cambio y continuo con la ejecución del Plan Estratégico conformado por los doce grupos de acciones siguientes:
1.     Acciones para debilitar la unión dentro de la Revolución Bolivariana.
2.     Acciones para desacreditar a Diosdado Cabello
3.     Acciones para aislar al Comandante Chávez
4.     Acciones para poder inocular la Nano Arma dentro del organismo del Comandante Chávez.
5.     Acciones para desacreditar el Consejo Nacional Electoral.
6.     Acciones para satanizar al Comandante Chávez y tratar de afectar su popularidad.
7.     Acciones para invisibilizar la Gestión del Gobierno del Comandante Chávez.
8.     Acciones para acusar de burócrata, corrupto e ineficiente al Gobierno del Comandante Chávez.
9.     Acciones para crear y proteger al candidato del Imperio.
10. Acciones para desacreditar a los mandos militares leales al Comandante Chávez.
11. Acciones para provocar una crisis económica y el caos en Venezuela.
12. Acciones para eliminar de la historia el legado del Comandante Chávez.

A lone commentator of my post about Herrada’s first article claims that the author is testing our credulity. A conspiracy within the conspiracy theory!:

Kudos to Antonio Herrada. I read the story directly in Apporea and was in awe. This is a tremendous article that shows that anyone can write nonsense and the Bolivarian will publish it and most likely believe it. I am positive Mr Herrada wrote purposely a monumental farce to test the credulity of his readers including "Venezuela Conspiracy Theories Monitor". Kudos once again

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Coup d’état plans for today

The coup d’état predicted by the Venezuelan government for September 1 failed to materialized. Government officials claim this is because they have averted the coup by arresting several opposition leaders and dismantling what it says were “paramilitary camps” with links to the opposition.

Coup plans are still active and adapting to circumstances, according to officials. The opposition has called for new nationwide protests for today to push for a recall referendum against president Maduro. Opposition followers are to gather in front of regional offices of the elections ruling body CNE until 2:00pm and then disperse peacefully. The government is again claiming that the protest is part of a coup d’état plan by the opposition.

The head of the intelligence police SEBIN, Gustavo González López, says that today’s coup attempt is part of a plot denominated “Plan 7S.”

The opposition leaders arrested before September 1, Selson Guarate, Daniel Ceballos, Carlos Melo, Yon Goicochea, and Lester Toledo (still not arrested), were named by González López as leaders of the “conspiracy plans and terrorist acts” for September 1, but that would be “reedited” today. Also, according to González López, part of the plot is ex-president of Colombia, Álvaro Uribe.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

The coup narrative is back

Ahead of today’s opposition march, the government has reedited its coup d’état narrative. “In Venezuela we have to stop the coup d’état which is ongoing, I am calling the National Guard of the people, and the security forces to be on their guards in order to guarantee the peace and the right to live,” declared President Maduro yesterday.

The pro-government Telesur news channel explains: “From September 1 to December 31 Venezuelans will mobilize to reject the violent acts planned by the right-wing of the country, framed by the new Condor Plan in Latin America.”  
As usual, the government is accusing the “Empire” of being behind what it says is the local opposition’s coup plans.

Some new elements in this new “revelation” of a coup plot:

- Crackdown on Vountad Popular: Including the arrest of several leaders of the party and the harassment of its followers. (See my detailed account in the WOLA bolg.)

- Air gun conspiracy: A couple was detained on August 29 in Carabobo. Douglas Rico, chief of the investigative police body CICPC, declared that they carried in their car “four imitation air gun rifles and one imitation hand gun.” This is the government’s explanation: The couple planned to dress as National Guards and fire with their air guns at the opposition crowd at today’s march. Then they would scape and a second military clad group would fire live rounds at the people. This second group is still at large, according to Rico. The aim of this plot would be to produce a massacre and to blame the National Guard and the National Bolivarian Police for it. No explanation was provided by Rico as to why the air gun prelude to the real massacre would be necessary for the massacre plot.

-Discourse Analysis: President Maduro has said he will name a commission of “national and international legal experts, psychiatrists, linguists, and sociologists,” to “analyze” the discourse the president of the National Assembly Henry Ramos Allup. The ultimate end of the analysis will be to start a law suit against the opposition leader for “spearheading a hate campaign and for promoting violence in Venezuela.”

-Guns at school: The government is claiming that the opposition is storing weapons in the campus of the private Jesuit Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB). The first to make the accusation was PSUV’s vice-president Diosdado Cabello. But the claim has been repeated by the Minister of Interior Nestor Reverol as part of his revelations of a “destabilizing plot for September 1.”