"They assassinated Comandante Chávez. One day the documents will be declassified and and truth will be known,” said yesterday Diosdado Cabello in his TV show Con el Mazo Dando.
He also suggested that it is no coincidence that “progressive leaders” of Latin America became ill almost at the same time: “Lula, Dilma, Chávez, Lugo, Evo, and in Argentina, Néstor Kirshner died, and the President also became ill. And what about the [leaders of] the right? This cannot be a coincidence, it is not statistically possible.”
The theory that Chávez was assassinated by his imperial enemies has been constant in Chavista rhetoric. It is part of the charisma link between Chávez with Bolívar, who Chavismo claims was also assassinated.
In August 2013, Atilio Borón, an Argentinian intellectual who was very close to Chavismo at the time, assured in a Venezuelan public television interview, that he had become increasingly convinced that Chávez had been killed by the United States government. He argued that the CIA had, since the 70s, developed the technology needed to inoculate cancer cells or to “generate heart attacks in its enemies.” He added that: “with the technological advances that there have been, I have no doubt that this people [the CIA] could have developed a vector to generate cancerogenic processes trough malign cells. (…) A trustworthy scientific source confessed to me that there are methods for activating radioactive processes of malign cells contained in a microphone, which could have been placed in front of the Head of State and could have been activated by some sort of remote control to introduce the lethal microscopic particles.”
Borón warned that the method could be used again by the CIA against President Maduro or other Latin American Presidents, such as Evo Morales or Rafael Correa. He therefore urged the Venezuelan government to take precautionary measures “because they [the CIA] are capable of anything, I mean, they killed Lubumba, they killed Che, they killed Allende, they killed Torrijos, and I believe they killed Chávez.” Therefore Venezuela should “work with the best scientists that are moving forth the field of biological sciences, so that they can develop antibody mechanisms to neutralize these weapons.”
In June 2016, Aporrea published a long piece by Antonio Herrada in which the writer provided technical details about how the United States has used a “Nano weapon” to inoculate Chávez with cancer. According to Herrada, the weapon would “invade his (Chávez’s) body with nano transporters with controlled directionality, which contained nano inductive particles with metastasis accelerators of controlled dosage, in short, a high-technology Nano weapon, in order to create in him an atypical aggressive cancer.” This sophisticated Nano weapon, according to Herrada, had many other amassing properties: “For five years the cancer tumor grew inside the soft tissues of the pelvic region without causing pain. This high precision level of the Nano weapon was achieved by incorporating organic substances to the Nano transporters, which would only link to the aimed cells, those found in the soft tissues of the pelvic region.”
In a second article, published in September 2016, Herrada used a sophisticated analysis technique which correlated two “Political Behaviors.” By comparing what the author called “time intervals” of the “Political Behavior of the North-American Empire” (CPIN, acronym in Spanish), with those of the “Political behavior of its National Operatives” (CPON), the author was able to arrive at the exact date on which Chavez was inoculated with cancer using the Nano Weapon: September 15, 2005.
In April 2016, Eva Golinger, author of The Chavez Code, and Chavista star conspiracy theorist at the time, also suggested there was a strong possibility Chávez had been assassinated. In an interview published by Counterpunch, Golinger claimed that Chávez had been the target of several assassination attempts, including a little known radioactive event at a New York university during the president’s visit in 2006. “While these accounts may sound like fiction, they are amply documented and very real,” said Golinger.