Friday, May 15, 2020

Panam Post: Diosdado Cabello Planned and Financed Operation Gedeon to “Overthrow” Maduro

This is the claim by Emmanuel Rincón in an article published in the Venezuelan exile’s outlet Panam Post. Rincón believes that evidence that the Operation Gedeon was infiltrated by Venezuelan government is also evidence that it was orchestrated by that government. “This makes it clear that Maduro’s tyrannical regime orchestrated the whole exercise and then made itself look like a victim in the eyes of the international community and, in turn, killed its enemies,” writes Rincón.

The author has solid conspiracists credentials. In a piece published also in Panam Post, Ricón explains how Coronavirus is “China’s Strategy to Drive a New World Order.” Rincón was also featured in this Monitor in November last year arguing that the opposition led by Guaidó and the main parties in the National Assembly, “corrupt (and also socialists)” according to Rincón, were the real cause of Trump not invading Venezuela. Ricón claimed that Trump was unwilling to commit US troops to take out Maduro and put into power a “soft-Chavista” regime led by Guaido and his “socialists” partners.

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