Monday, March 18, 2019

Infographics of an Electric Attack

Venezuelan government agencies and media regularly put out what they call “infrografías” of events. These are then spread via social media. Here is a selection of a few explaining the recent “electric sabotage.”

The first is by the DGCIM, Dirección General de Contrainteligencia Militar, the Armed Forces counterintelligence branch (interesting logo in the bottom left corner.) On the right hand is what so far the government has presented as evidence of the attack: Twitter posts by Mike Pompeo, Marco Rubio and Juan Guaidó, which, according to the government, can be read as “self-implications” in the attacks. Also, note the big magnet used for the “electromagnetic” attack.

By Telesur. Doesn’t add much to the previous one.

Here is a poster for an event organized by Ministry of Culture and by Misión Cultura Venezuela. “Trump turns off the lights, Maduro turns them on.”

Misión Verdad, a government media outlet, explains that the software used in the control center of Guri hydroelectric plant was created by the Canadian company ABB, which “no longer works in Venezuela.” According to Misión Verdad, a malware “drove this control system crazy.”

By the Ministry for Electric Energy and CORPOELEC, the government electric company. This is an old infographic from before the recent blackout; A chronology of 15 sabotage events against Zulia’s electric system.


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