officials have proposed the theory that the price in bolívares of the black
market dollar is arbitrarily set by operators of web pages, such as dolartoday, controlled by agents of the “economic
war” allegedly being waged against the Venezuelan government by its enemies.
This interesting piece
published yesterday by the independent pro-government web page Aporrea proposes
and unorthodox fix for Venezuela’s economic problems.
The author argues
that unconventional warfare is using ever more sophisticated “technological
methods with hostile purposes.” A good example of this is dolartoday, controlled
and operated, according to the author, from Miami by banker Eligio Cedeño,
Federico Ravell, and Orlando Urdaneta, among other prominent opposition exiled
figures who are engaged in “seditious operations against our economic
The solution to this problem
proposed by the author is to use dolartoday to push the price of the dollar
down by cloning the web page:
“What I mean is that
some [Venezuelan] center of counter intelligence should plan and execute a maneuver
for the creation of multiple sources of information, communication and online
digital positioning (web pages, facebook, twitter accounts, blogs, [etc.]).
These [sources] would use the logos, images and diagrams of dolartoday, and
would daily publish data which would contradict the “official” dolartoday
version. For some days [the clones of dolartoday] would raise the price of the
black dollar a little bit, then let it slide slowly, and then drop in free
fall. […] This is a defensive informatic guerilla war! Counterattack!”
The article ends with
the hope that with these “non-traditional counter-intelligence methods of
deception and chaos creation [caotización]
of information,” the government will achieve an elusive victory in the “economic
war which we are still losing.”
Here some are some
relevant paragraphs of the original article in Spanish:
fabricantes, distribuidores, agricultores y vendedores de toda especie rigen
sus costos por un dólar paralelo impuesto por la mano visible de dolartoday,
que ya algunos han ubicado su centro de operación en Miami Florida, han
señalado como su padre financiero al empresario-banquero Eligio Cedeño y a sus
operadores técnicos Federico Ravell, Orlando Urdaneta y "jóvenes
venezolanos", pero lamentablemente no han podido detenerlos en ya más de
un año de operaciones sediciosas contra nuestra estabilidad económica.
generemos que el dolartoday actúe a la baja clonando al dolartoday!!! Es decir,
que se planifique y ejecute desde algún centro de contrainteligencia una
maniobra de creación de múltiples fuentes de información, comunicación y
posicionamiento digital on line (páginas web, facebook, cuentas twiter, blog,
mensajes de texto y correos electrónicos masivos, manejo de banner, videos
youtube y herramientas SEO o SEM) que utilizando los logos, imágenes,
diagramación y nombre de dolartoday coloque en la opinión pública diariamente
datos que contradigan a la versión "oficial del dolartoday". Que unos
días suba un poco el dólar negro y días después baje paulatinamente y luego
entre en picada. Que después suba un poco y vuelva a descender en espiral. En
fin que se anarquice la información del dólar paralelo jugando a la baja y a la
pérdida de quienes especulan con la propia imagen de la referida fuente de
conspiración. Es guerrilla informática de defensa, contraataque!!.
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