Thursday, November 27, 2014

Magnicidio is back

Via her twitter account (@MariaCorinaYA) opposition leader Maria Corina Machado has informed that the SEBIN has handed her the official notification from the Prosecutor’s office accusing her of a being part of a plot to assassinate president Maduro.

She has been summoned to the Prosecutor’s office to hear the formal accusation on December 3.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

System of People’s Protection for Peace

President Maduro approved yesterday a Law of National Security which, according to him, creates a Sistema de Protección Popular para la Paz.

The system will directly answer to the President’s office and is based on “the labor class, intelligence teams, and control systems.” It includes four subsystems (for peace, popular power, protection, and operations) and will be headed by a Comandante, yet to be appointed.

The creation of this new People’s Protection System has become necessary, explained Maduro, in order to fight against the “terrorism and para-militarism orchestrated by the right.”

The Agencia Venezolana de Noticas quotes president Maduro: “through this instance, the ‘para-military threat that has come to our country because of the right-wing,’ and that is made visible through crimes such as the murder of the Deputy Robert Serra, committed on October 1, and the violent actions promoted by sectors of the ultra-right during the first semester of the year, which produced more than 40 murders.”

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Czechoslovakia Velvet Revolution and Venezuela

The Agencia Venezolana de Noticias has published an article under the title “A Manipulation Campaign that Forged a Coup in Czechoslovakia 25 years ago”.

The unnamed author claims that “the so called Velvet Revolution” was but a coup d’état that used “manipulation and deceit to generate a panic campaign.”

The “show” staged by the plotters against the communist State mainly used young people and students as cannon fodder.

Through lies, including a staged murder, the plotters achieved the fall of the government and the rise to power of the “ultra-rightist” Václav Havel.

Behind this “Velvet Revolution” was the United States selling its expansionist policies as non-violent struggles against “supposed communist totalitarianism.”

The tactic was denominated “the soft coup” (according to the article the term was invented by Gene Sharp), and continues to be used today by the United States against “countries opposed to the interests of Washington: Syria, Libya, China, Ecuador, Georgia, and Ukraine among others.”

 “Venezuela is also in the list of targets of the Washington recipe,” ends the article, “Venezuela is one of the richest nations in bio-diversity, oil, minerals, and water. This is why in the last years, facing a sobering and independent State, the United States has used the Venezuelan right-wing to put an end to the Bolivarian Revolution through different means. Coups d’état, economic and media wars, and ‘non-violent and color protests’ – such as the one in Czechoslovakia – are all part of these practices that use young people to reach their aims: to take hold of the wealth of the people.”

Here is the complete text in Spanish as published by AVN:

Campaña de manipulaciones fraguó golpe en Chescoslovaquia hace 25 años

Caracas, 17 Nov. AVN.- Manipulaciones y engaño, elementos primordiales para dirigir y generar una campaña de pánico, fueron las artimañas usadas para construir los fundamentos que a la postre levantarían un golpe contra el Estado comunista en Checoslovaquia. Caras jóvenes serían las utilizadas como estrategia para lograr dicho fin, la acción fue denominada Revolución de Terciopelo, hoy también conocida como las Revoluciones de Colores o el Golpe Suave.

En noviembre de 1989 factores políticos opuestos al Partido Comunista de la República Checoslovaca generaron las condiciones para el desmoronamiento del orden comunista establecido, utilizaron a estudiantes y una campaña de supuesta represión policial para lograr su cometido. El show tomaría su escena final en la Plaza San Venceslao de Praga, el 17 de noviembre de ese año.

Ese día, un mitin fue convocado en la Plaza San Venceslao de Praga con la supuesta intención de recordar la clausura de las escuelas superiores por los nazis. Paradójicamente, en ese lugar, los mismos que condenaban las acciones de los nazis, comenzaron a gritar consignas anticomunistas y, minutos más tarde, comenzó a regarse el rumor de una presunta represión en contra de los allí asistentes.

La mentira llegó hasta la difusión de un asesinato, que pese a que fue posteriormente desmentida, generó un levantamiento de grupos contra las supuestas acciones de la policía, lo que terminó en la caída del gobierno comunista, que terminaría con el ultraderechista Václav Havel en el poder.

Havel es hoy recordado por impulsar el ingreso de su país a la Unión Europea (UE) y la Organización del Tratado para el Atlántico Norte (Otan).

La denominada Revolución de Terciopelo fue parte de las estrategias de las revoluciones de colores impulsada por Estados Unidos (EEUU) en el este de Europa, la misma se vendió como una "lucha social no violenta" contra el supuesto totalitarismo comunista y dedicada a la "exportación de la democracia", no es mas que la aplicación de una política expansionista a través del control geopolítico para administrar la dinámica económica mundial.

Hoy, EEUU continúa esa metodología de golpe suave -ideada por el estadounidense Gene Sharp- dirigida a destruir a todo aquel país, cuyos pueblos y gobiernos (especialmente los comunistas y socialistas) que se oponen a los planes de dominación mundial estadounidense, entre ellos Venezuela.

El método ha sido utilizado en cantidades de países opuestos a los intereses de Washington, Siria, Libia, China, Ecuador, Georgia, Ucrania, entre muchos otros. En Georgia, por ejemplo, comenzaron con manifestaciones supuestamente populares y espontáneas contra la "violencia". Esa misma receta se aplicó recientemente en Ucrania, la cual culminaría en un golpe de Estado perpetrado contra el presidente constitucional Víktor Yanukóvich, el 22 de febrero de este 2014.

Tras el derrocamiento fraguado por EEUU con apoya de la derecha ucraniana provocó que un gran número de ucranianos saliera a las calles para rechazar el gobierno de facto y exigir el restablecimiento del gobierno legítimo.

Posteriormente, las autoridades que tomaron el poder reprimieron a miles de ciudadanos que manifestaban su rechazo a los golpistas, operación arreció luego que el empresario y derechista Petro Poroshenko asumiera la presidencia, en junio pasado, al intensificar el envío de tropas militares en el sureste de Ucrania, en especial en Donetsk y Lugansk, regiones que declararon su autonomía de ese país mediante referendos.

Para EEUU, Ucrania representa un país estratégico para sus intereses, pues representa las puertas de Rusia, país que tiene las mayores reservas de gas del mundo y es además una potencia petrolera, lo que le es apetecible a la Casa Blanca.

Venezuela también está en la lista de los blancos de la receta de Washington. Venezuela es una de las naciones más ricas en biodiversidad, petróleo, minerales y agua. Es por ello que en los últimos años, frente a un Estado soberano e independiente, EEUU, utilizando a la derecha venezolana, ha intentado por diferentes vías dar al traste con la Revolución Bolivariana.

Golpe de Estados, guerra económica y mediáticas, así como "manifestaciones no violentas y de colores" -como las utilizadas en Checoslovaquia- son parte de esas prácticas, en las que se utilizan a jóvenes, para alcanzar sus intereses: adueñarse de las riquezas de los pueblos.

© AVN - 2014

Monday, November 17, 2014

Subversive plan “The Exit” According to AVN

The Agencia Venezolana de Noticias has published in English a piece entitled “Subversive plan ‘The Exit’ released in the US month before its application.” The article is based on a report by Últimas Noticias published yesterday which carries a video of Leopoldo López explaining in October 2013 to a group of supporters in Miami his strategy to remove Maduro from power.

In the video López does not speak of the possibility of a coup or even of violent protests to overthrow Maduro. He does claim that previous elections were stolen from the opposition and questions if the opposition should assume the “attitude proper to a democratic system” which, according to López, implies preparing for future elections.

However the article by AVN, following Últimas Noticas, claims that López was in truth explaining his “Putschist plan ‘The Exit’” to the “the subversive organization VEPPEX, or Politically Persecuted Venezuelans in Exile.”
This is how AVN explains “The Exit” (La Salida):

Through "The Exit" or "Solution," subversive groups used violence and terrorism to cause unrest in the country, resulting in 43 deaths, attempts against the life of children and workers, as well as hindered the right of free passage with mortal devices such as wires in major roads.

AVN also links the plan to the “Economic War” denounced repeatedly by Maduro:

The plan was carried out between February and June 2014 simultaneously with an economic war characterized by smuggling, hoarding and overpricing of staple goods, with the open target of overthrowing the Nicolas Maduro Administration.

The article ends with the assertion that López was forced to hand himself to the authorities seeking protection from a plan by “right-wing leaders to attempt” against his life:

Simultaneously to "The Exit," intelligence corps found out a plan devised within right-wing leaders to attempt against Lopez, situation that made him surrender to the Public Ministry.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Diosdado Cabello: the opposition wants to sabotage Christmas!

For the President of the National Assembly and vice-president of PSUV, Diosdado Cabello, “[i]t has become evident that the right represents and organization for the overthrowing the government, they are foreign coup mongers.”

Cabello revealed several “right-wing” conspiracies yesterday in his TV show Con el Mazo Dando:

He referred to the SOS campaign during the opposition protests at the beginning of this year. Many international artists called for solidarity with the protestors by holding signs which read “Venezuela SOS”. Cabello believes that the fact that a similar campaign has not been staged by those same artist in solidarity with the 43 student missing in Mexico is evidence that the Venezuelan campaign was a “paid media campaign.”

“Many artists expressed their solidarity with the Venezuelan opposition in February, but for them in Mexico, where the State made 43 students disappear, nothing is happening. For Maria Conchita [Alonso] Mexico does not exist. That’s because there are no dollars, there is no SOS [campaign],” argued Cabello.

He also informed that on November 10 opposition leaders José Narváez (MUD secretary in Nueva Esparta), Alfredo Díaz (Mayor of Mariño municipality), Jhonny Rajal (Coordinator of Primero Justicia in Nueva Esparta), and Bautista Mata (of Voluntad Popular), met at the Commerce Chamber of Nueva Esparta State.

According to Cabello the purpose of the meeting was to coordinate “actions to provoke scarcity of Christmas products and thus generate chaos during month of December in the insular territory [Margarita island in Nueva Esparta State], by paralyzing transport and commerce.

They want to sabotage our Christmas!” claimed Cabello.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Hace 25 años cayó el muro que levantó el capitalismo

Siempre a la caza de lo más delirante en el discurso político, he dedicado el día de hoy a leer algunas versiones revisionistas de la extrema izquierda sobre la caída del “muro de contención anti-fascista”. Algunas son muy sofisticadas, pero casi todas van en clave teórico conspirativa sobre “la tragedia”: ¡a veces hasta nos informan sobre el evidente hecho de que el muro lo levantó “el capitalismo”! Varias comienzan retóricamente acusando a quien se alegrara en 1989 de ingenuo, imbécil o en el peor de los casos, maluco. Fukuyama parece ser un blanco común (como que estos tipos leen más a Fukuyama que a Marx, más probablemente a ninguno de los dos).

Dejo aquí un caso tomado, por supuesto, de Aporrea. Incluye casi todos los tópicos del género. De todo los que he leído hasta ahora, por lo menos es de los más cómicos: el autor asegura haber sido testigo presencial del traumático evento, pero ante la euforia colectiva a su alrededor, el pana lo que siente es una indignación monumental “viendo a la juventud de Berlin Oriental, cantando y bailando en las calles…”

La caída del Muro de Berlín, solo la festejan los capitalistas. Para los pueblos fue un retroceso Por: Hersh Zakheim

Y la Agencia Venezolana de Noticias ha publicado este artículo de Freddy Guevara. El argumento principal es que la República Democrática Alemana había alcanzado un altísimo nivel de desarrollo pero fue “entregada” a la República Federal Alemana por Gorvachov. La principal fuente de Guevara: una entrevista a Margot Honecker tomada del libro La otra Alemania, la RDA de Luís Corvalán.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Maduro: 2015 will be the year of victory in the “Economic War”

President Nicolás Maduro has announced that 2015 is “set to become the year in which the victory of the people over the Economic War, expressed in speculation, scarcity, and hoarding, will be consolidated.”

“2014 will be remembered as the year the guarimba was defeated, and 2015 will be the year of the definite defeat of the Economic War and its sequels, [an Economic War] waged by the international bilateral anti-Venezuelan capital,” said the president.

He added that in spite of all the measures taken by the government “the oligarchy still insists on benefiting from the Economic War that is being faced by our people,” therefore the government will soon take new measures “to protect the people.”

The people, according to Maduro, will punish that oligarchy by casting a protest vote against it in next year’s parliamentary elections: “Not only will the people vote for the revolutionary path, the legacy of the Comandante Chávez, of peace and stability for the country; the people will cast a protest vote against the evils of the right wing, against the guarimba, against the Economic War, it will be a full swing protest vote,” Maduro said.

(Image AVN) 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Cabello: New terrorist group led by Carratú Molina

The president of the National Assembly and vice-president of the PSUV, Diosdado Cabello, denounced yesterday that a new “terrorist group” is being formed by Venezuelan exiles in Miami.

The “destabilizing group” is, according to Cabello, led by Iván Carratú Molina, chief of the Military House under ex-president Carlos Andrés Pérez.

Cabello said that Carratú Molina has been posting videos on Youtube calling for a military uprising in Venezuela. He  also remained listeners that he had already revealed in February this year a recording of what he claimed was a conversation of Carratú Molina with the Venezuelan ex-ambassador to Colombia, Fernando Gerbasi, in which they spoke of making preparations for “something similar to April 11” (the day of the coup against Chávez in 2002).

Here is one of the videos of Carratú Molina that Cabello could be referring to:

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Human Rights NGOs are funded by the United States

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) of the Organization of American States is holding its 153rd hearings session in Washington.

On 28 October the Commission heard the case of Venezuela. Local NGOs, among them COFAVIC and PROVEA, made a detailed presentation of 892 cases of human rights violations in Venezuela.

Germán Saltrón responded for the Venezuelan State that all human rights NGOs operating in the country are “financed by the United States,” and that they are in cahoots with “90% of the local and international media” in a plot to “attack and play down the historical importance of the victories of the Venezuelan government.”

Today Saltrón published an article in the web portal Aporrea elaborating his argument:

"In order to achieve social justice the eternal president Hugo Chávez Frías decreed the nationalization of our oil industry and strengthened the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries for the defense of a fair price for oil. As a consequence of these actions of sovereignty, the government of the United States, together with the Venezuelan opposition, initiated since 1999 an internal and external campaign of discredit, falsely presenting president Chávez as a dictator and a human rights violator.

"To accomplish this they have used Venezuelan and foreign NGOs to present reckless, unfounded, and false denunciations [of human rights violations]." 

(Image Talcualdigital)